This will be a different take than you have read before on two common newsworthy topics and one doesn’t happen without the other - China and our government. Those two things.
Now for any of you who like to think our government is good, you’ll say ‘It’s done some good stuff. They try. This is America.’ Well, in my opinion, you need to quit lying to yourself.
Read on further cause this will highlight the core of how f---ed up we are… suffering the delusion that voting once every two years somehow makes us free.
Let’s talk about China—their government is evil. And that word gets tossed around way too often. The definition is “profoundly immoral and wicked.” Immoral means “to go against ethical judgment” and wicked means “something that brings sorrow, distress or calamity” and profound means ‘extremely strong.’ So, the Chinese government “is very powerfully, the opposite of ethics, ruinous of right living, forcing sorrow, distress and calamity” to enslave its people and the planet at large.
It is also the second-largest economy. Their factories make tragically fallible junk, a global tech titan, and expert in the art of the "surprise visit" into ultra secured American databases. So, they are also thieves.
By surprise visit, I mean hacking U.S. telecom networks so thoroughly they probably know all your internet content, texts, and behaviors are. It’s like handing them your secret diary, but instead of teenage angst, it’s national security on the line. Flat out, by and large, they have stolen every technology by which they make something and during the last many years they are stealing knowledge of… YOU.
Quick interruption:
This will horrify you to the core. China is made in America.
- 1989 China decides to take our money, Tiananmen Square formalizes harsh communist rule and direction for its future.
- 1990 Chinese GDP (the annual size of an economy) is a paltry $330 million.
By comparison, there were 66 billionaires in America in 1990 - that’s sixty-six individuals in America each worth more than the country of China. China wasn’t a threat to anyone in the world (1990) – the U.S. GDP in 1990 was $5.7 trillion 1,727% bigger than China’s.
Your U.S. Senate, with all the wisdom of a 6-yr old, voted China as “most valued trade status nation” in 2000. A communist country suddenly became favored to receive all our great jobs.
In 2001, the U.S. government made this favored status granted to China permanent law. President Cliton promoted them to be eligible to join the WTO, World Trade Organization – becoming its first communist member.
2023 Chinese GDP $17.5 billion.
o All promoted growth by the U.S. government and that government allowing greed-driven U.S. corporations to sell out- you, the American resident, for temporarily increasing profit margins.
o Since 1990 to 2023, following our presidents and senate’s lead they’ve secured China $288,759,900,000,000 ($288 trillion) over the last 33 years.
A COMMUNIST Country, a pimple on the Earth 33 years ago.
Now hear this: The U.S. has closed 73,757 manufacturing firms since 1991.
Feeling like you might throw up?
U.S. effort and prostitution of itself didn’t even make China a friend. I won’t write something disgusting and offensive enough to describe what China’s behavior is like toward America in response to all our government gave them. So, skipping that and moving onto China’s latest espionage project, charmingly called Salt Typhoon.
It turned America’s telecom networks into their personal playground for eight months. They didn’t just peek—they mapped infrastructure, found vulnerabilities, and looted anything that wasn’t nailed down. And if that wasn’t enough, they hit up allied networks too, because why spy on one country when you can spy on them all? And nobody will actually stand up to China and shut that shit down?
What’s China’s goal? A dystopian database profiling all Americans. Think Orwell meets Silicon Valley. They’re using artificial intelligence to sift through stolen data, building a detailed map of who talks to whom, about what, and when. So no, it’s not paranoia; it’s Beijing plotting to outmaneuver the U.S. politically and economically.
It is to support and train the ultimate weapon, AI deployed control aimed back at us. All our conversations, our styles in speech, our reactions and actions, our loving texts and our angry ones, and everything involved in human exchange has flowed into Chinese AI learning. Training its capabilities to supremacy, and weaponizing that knowledge to control and enslave you on a level far above your own government’s achievements to date.
“He who controls the language, controls the world”- Stalin / Goebbels coined that. I’m sure young Chinese dreaming of working in their government’s Politburo have posters of them on their walls. Personally, I had Farrah Faucet and Warren Moon.
How’s Washington handling it? With all the urgency of a DMV line in Los Angeles. If you haven’t had that pleasure, you’ve been spared a different kind of evil.
Sure, policymakers like Marco Rubio and Mark Warner are waving red flags… Waving flags - you know, super scary stuff. But rest assured the National Security Council’s vow to "aggressively mitigate the threat" isn’t exactly comforting when the hackers have already made themselves at home in our networks.
It’s like promising to change the locks after your house has been looted. Sticks and stones break bones, words will never hurt China. They actually are at the last thing on the list - to steal our words.
Now, let’s talk about American companies practically rolling out the red carpet for China. Big U.S. corporations have been so cozy with Beijing they might as well be sending Christmas cards. Here are some standout offenders:
Apple isn’t just making iPhones; it’s funding China’s industrial revolution. Over 95% of iPhones are assembled in Chinese factories. While China laughs all the way to the bank, the U.S. is left with a trade deficit the size of Tim Cook’s bonuses. Oh, and those Rust Belt manufacturing jobs? They’re busy making iPhone screens in Guangdong.
Tesla’s Shanghai Gigafactory is a monument to China’s charm offensive on Western businesses. The factory churns out electric vehicles faster than Elon Musk tweets. But here’s the kicker: every dollar Tesla pours into China is a dollar not spent on bolstering American EV production. Meanwhile, legacy automakers like GM and Ford are stuck scrambling for crumbs.
Boeing is so tied to China’s aviation market it might as well have a Chinese flag on its planes. With China as the largest market for new aircraft, Boeing has invested heavily in Chinese production. But there’s turbulence ahead: geopolitical tensions make those deals a ticking time bomb, threatening American aerospace jobs if relations sour.
Maybe the worst of it for me, is The Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffet, has joined the China party - pouring billions into BYD, a Chinese electric vehicle maker. That’s great news for BYD shareholders—but not so much for Detroit. Buffett’s investment underscores a painful truth: even America’s business icons are more willing to bet on China’s future than reinvest in U.S. auto giants.
Concentration of Chinese investment and influence in America:
(courtesy Public Citizen)
Obviously, the overwhelming amount is where the worst of our government leaders hail from in California and New York the strongest sycophants for China- they’re in Texas for petroleum related matters, certainly their little Chinese Mission near Houston is known for launching mischievous spy games and tech theft.
So, what does this corporate coziness mean for the U.S. economy?
In short: dependency, vulnerability, and not only missed but deleted opportunities for American residents. I am using ‘resident’ throughout because I want you to realize you are essentially trapped, you are well below what ‘citizen’ would entitle you to, you are essentially a renter, a tenant, of the Central Government.
By pouring resources into China, American companies have created the most massive ailment to humanity since Nazi Germany and Stalin’s Soviet Union. They are continuing propping up a rival and evil superpower while neglecting their own homeland.
Every outsourced job is one less chance to rebuild our middle class. Every Chinese factory is a permanent deletion of opportunity to preserve American manufacturing.
Let’s not forget how China uses these investments. They steal off Western tech and expertise to climb the economic ladder, ratchet up control of humans and oppression, and build a massive military, turning our know-how into their competitive edge.
The result? A win-win for Beijing and a bloody massacre for the U.S.
But, the U.S. what?... THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’S CITIZENS – that’s what - YOU!
The government who dresses nice and comes to the camera is literally making decisions to harm you and your future and your shot at pursuing happiness off camera.
China’s hacking isn’t just about swiping data; it’s about gaining leverage. American companies like Cisco have had their routers compromised, which more than half the internet traffic of the U.S. flows through. While government contractors like Lumen Technologies took months to even notice they’d been breached. Salt Typhoon didn’t just steal credentials—they came back for seconds.
It's enraging that anybody even asks Beijing to comment! Of course, we know what they’ll respond with! But use this illumination to realize ALL your government is willing to do- is speak…
But, of course, how our stupid, inept, cowardly government puts this to Beijing in words, that allows China to deny everything. The Chinese Embassy called these accusations “false evidence.” As if we’re all collectively hallucinating the cyber equivalent of a bank heist. Investigators, meanwhile, point to the Ministry of State Security, which cleverly outsources hacking to private contractors. Plausible deniability never looked so polished.
Now this has to be the strongest gut-wrenching example that you, the American citizen, mean absolutely nothing. The pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. and the government of the U.S. has allowed those pharma companies to set up and give the Chinese the technology for making a staggering 95% of our medicine that is either made in, or can’t exist without Chinese made components.
Just since 2020, US imports of Chinese pharmaceuticals have grown by 485%. "China controls almost 100% of the generic medications that are prescribed in the United States.” – recent report by CBS Texas.
Now the main point of this writing is not the stats and facts. It is making you aware of something very simple - your central government made all this happen. Your government allowed, encouraged, sponsored, promoted, passed laws embedding China’s rise from nothing all the way up to threatening you and much of the world in thirty-three short years. It’s not China’s fault, they are communist shitbags. Recognizing your central government's disloyalty to you and its decades-long choice making is also shit, is the awareness to take away from this posting.
But there are more facts and details to highlight.
There’s the environmental disaster. China spews out 35% of global CO2 emissions, and in 2023, a staggering 80% of its surface water was undrinkable. And yet, American companies keep outsourcing to China, turning a blind eye to the environmental carnage in favor of quick profits.
Meanwhile, China’s domestic issues are bubbling over. Rising unemployment, soaring living costs, and post-COVID stagnation have left its population teetering on the edge. Violent incidents—like the Zhuhai car rampage that killed 35—are becoming disturbingly common, revealing cracks in China’s iron-fisted control. Their surveillance state may excel at spying on the West, but it’s clearly not great at predicting its own chaos.
Globally, China’s reputation has tanked. How a communist government ever had a ‘reputation’ that could tank from a lofty level confuses me. I’ve never read about the times the world was enthralled with the Soviets. A Pew Research survey found that 79% of respondents across 19 countries view China’s policies as a "serious problem." From human rights abuses to environmental destruction to intellectual property theft, China’s rap sheet reads like a dystopian novel. Yet, we keep treating them like a business partner instead of the strategic threat they are.
Here’s the thing about China: it doesn’t just want to compete with the U.S.—it wants to dominate. It simply copies everything. They are thieves. They may have invented the abacus… and then nothing else since.
China is simply copying what your government is already doing to you, making you a slave. Your rights are gone, everything you do is monitored and reported on. Your finances- hah, can you pack it in and leave the world of commerce? No. Everything costs you a tax, you pay for this government, just like ours paid for China!
And that is the main, main point.
China is doing a damn good job, thanks in no small part to the woeful lack of loyalty to us residents by our central government. By outsourcing critical industries, basic manufacturing, neglecting cybersecurity, and enabling corporate greed, your government has effectively placed our life systems inside Beijing.
Important question, “Doesn’t in most ways meaningful, your central government manage and influence what happens to your savings?” They print onto an excel spreadsheet your dollar into nothingness to pay their bills- that’s the dollar your savings is in. Just one example…
Does anything in the core of this message above cause you to have increasing confidence in trusting your savings to their dollar?
To me, the key ingredient to evil is ‘intentional action’. The act is intentional to garner the label, evil. Your government makes intentional actions against you and has for a sickening length of time. None of their evil is limited to a subset of crucial life systems. Your earnings, your future, your money itself, the dollar, your family unit, your health, those are the major parts to our life’s systems. That’s all your government at work.
***If you want to argue with me – please do. Comment. Let me know what you think. I read all the comments and I’m always hoping to learn something new.
Paul, a very interesting synopsis and essay whilst underscoring a major point.. that being it was the U.S government that aided and abetted the rise of China, however the most salient point that you missed, albeit vaguely touched upon your comment regarding 66 billionaires residing the U.S when this all began, was that your government was merely acting as the vehicle on behalf of the main protagonists responsible for the denigrating of U.S manufacturing …. the Owners of the many companies that transferred and outsourced American jobs to China.
It is these people who are primarily responsible for the decline, nay, eliminating and hollowing out of the U.S middle and lower classes…
These assholes in order to enrich themselves by saving on the wages costs and especially the future wage costs plus the prospects of earning extra pennies per unit of goods sold, assiduously lobbied the U.S government via your representatives in both the House and Senate to fulfil that wet dream.. making extra pennies on the dollar and increasing their profits by eliminating American jobs outsourcing whilst still having the gall to represent their products as American… now that is truly sick.
Latterly these same assholes have petitioned and lobbied your government again via your treasonous representatives in both the house and senate, essentially a full court press, to open your borders and bring in millions of young migrants to staff the factories they plan on reopening given the geo political machinations and anti China rhetoric and anathema that has been the main discourse of late…
They, these miscreant owners, many of them billionaires, fund managers, investment management companies, private equity essentially now refuse to pay a living wage to American workers in the factories that are to be on-shored from China, a situation as bizarre and a dichotomy from events 1990 - accelerated Clinton, through recent years, worse, after treating Americans in this crass and brazen manner, they then rely and depend upon them to buy their crap, all whilst lobbying for migrants to be allowed into the nation in droves, the plan being the migrant community they know and have schemed can readily be manipulated and will accept below average wages… to undertake the work Americans ought be doing but would t do at the slave rates they will offer… it is a cynical, demented scheme done without cognisance or giving a damn for their fellow Americans or the nation… for them it’s all about ka Ching, ka Ching, dollars baby, growing wealth… well the filthiest dirtiest pox on that I say…
Americans still hold the greatest leverage and power, their pocketbooks, close them I say, boycott every single corporate that treats an American worker in such a brutal way, let these assholes realise with their share prices tanking, sales ledgers falling into decline that the American populace will not condone nor support any entity, or owner, shareholders who undertake such economic and national malfeasance, note the Congress men and women the senate members who advocate and support policies antithetical to American jobs, employment and thus security…
Finally, I refute your comments about China being thieves, they have done economically espionage no worse than any western nation, what you cannot deny however is their undoubted education system that churns out well qualified graduates in a number of disciplines by the millions vs the Wests hundreds of thousands per annum… apply that brain power to R and D and little wonder they are making huge strides in the high tech sector across so many strata… we need to be careful of just shooting barbs without being truly cognisant of all of the facts.
On my many trips up to China, I can assure you it is not a nation built upon the need to steal I.P or copyright from others, far from it, the6 are an industrious, inventive highly educated people’s deserving in my view of due recognition for so much that they, through hard work and endeavour achieved… space limitations unfortunately prohibit from detailing just a few of the more exceptional examples… but rest assured there is much they have developed of real benefit to the industrialised world… just saying… but an excellent piece, Paul, truly enjoyed it.
Kia Kaha from New Zealand
We need more truth tellers like you Paul. There are many, but far more are needed now to WAKE UP our sleeping, complacent, voting citizens. Maybe we haven't hit a collective "bottom" yet...